Football Coach.
Financial Independence Blogger.
The Seven-Year Time Challenge (or "The Sytch" for short) is a challenge to myself to gain complete control over my TIME before my 40th birthday.
I have spent thousands of hours reading, watching, and listening to all things personal finance and financial independence related, including FI/RE.
I am teaching others about financial independence using my mistakes & triumphs as examples.
My teaching mediums are my blog, Twitter page, and Instagram.
Welcome aboard!


The Necessary Boring Facts: I am 33 years old, married to my beautiful wife, and we have a son who was born in August of 2020. My wife and I hope to have at least one more child.
Now The More Interesting Stuff: Family is my passion and wanting to spend more time with them drives me. We are fortunate to have family help with daycare while my wife and I work full-time jobs, but I have constant FOMO with my child(ren).
I have always dreamed of achieving financial independence, so I could do what I want when I wanted. We have worked years on laying the foundation to achieve financial independence at some point in the future without giving legitimate thought to the questions of, “Why do I want Financial Independence,” and “What would I do once I achieve it”?
Not having concrete answers to these seemingly simple questions birthed my current Seven-Year Time Challenge path. Please read my inaugural article for more on why I started my Seven-Year Time Challenge. Or, you can start here if you want to learn more about my investment journey.
Thank you for joining me on my transparent (and often embarrassing) journey!
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