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My Blog
A new post every week
I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I enjoy writing them. They will include topics such as personal finance, FIRE (financial independence retire early), familial relationships, and general day-to-day stories about life. The common theme will stay the same though - how can I get more TIME to do the things I love?
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial or tax advisor. All opinions are my own. This blog is based on my own financial experience towards personal finance.

Mar 8, 20232 min read
#43. Being Wealthy vs. Looking Wealthy
I was asked the following question yesterday: "How can I make my house look like I have money when I am struggling financially?" I was...

Mar 6, 20234 min read
#42. Five Inexpensive, Easy Weeknight Dinners
When we started really focusing on our food spending, two things really surprised me. One - You can save a lot of money per month just...

Mar 3, 20235 min read
#41. It Is Okay To Be Selfish . . . Sometimes
Since a person's physical and mental health directly relates to how much you will be able to enjoy your money later in life, any efforts...

Mar 1, 20235 min read
#40. Adulting Is Hard: How To Start Investing In The Stock Market
Disclaimer: I have a lot of links in this article. If you click any of the links, the only form of compensation I may receive is a...

Feb 27, 20233 min read
#39. Three Lessons To Learn From Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson
Savings rate is a good indicator on when you will be able to retire from your 9 to 5 job. Personally, we strive for a savings rate of...

Feb 24, 20234 min read
#38. Talking About Money Is Taboo. Let’s Change That
I can not remember if I was taught to avoid talking about money or if it was learned on my own. No matter which one is true, the majority...

Feb 22, 20232 min read
#37. Always Know Your Why
I started this journey wanting to keep the end in mind. I always knew I wanted to reach financial independence, but I wanted to make...

Feb 20, 20232 min read
#36. Eight Excuses To Help You Say "No" To Spending Money
People struggle saying "no", especially if the truth is uncomfortable. Picture this scenario. You and your wife both work full-time jobs...

Feb 17, 20233 min read
#35. Don't Let A Curveball Disrupt Your Retirement Timeline
I have teased in prior posts about starting a second job, but I have kept the actual job title a secret. This second job becomes...

Feb 15, 20232 min read
#34. The Importance Of Short-term, Measurable Goals
The secret formula: 1) complete short-term, measurable goals 2) consistently 3) over a long period of time = how you complete bigger...

Feb 13, 20233 min read
#33. Adulting Is Hard: Why You Need A Financial Binder
If I was to unexpectedly pass away, a tremendous amount of pressure would be shifted to my wife. Not only would she have to deal with...

Feb 10, 20234 min read
#32. You Are Never Alone
Isolating thoughts come far too often. These types of thoughts seem to peak in your teenage years, but they never go away completely. ...

Feb 8, 20233 min read
#31. Let's Go Grocery Shopping Together
I wanted to write this post since early December. With all the headlines talking about inflation and high grocery prices, I was...

Feb 6, 20233 min read
#30. Why I Chose 7 Years
With this being my 30th post, I have officially been on this journey for over two months now. Oddly enough, a lot has happened over...

Feb 3, 20234 min read
#29. A Letter To 18-Year-Old Me
If you remember in last week's article, in an effort to keep up with our food spending, I made an actionable plan to write about our food...

Feb 1, 20234 min read
#28. Adulting Is Hard: How To Open A Roth IRA
It is easy to forget that words, phrases, and other things you say may be general knowledge in your head, but that does not mean it is...

Jan 30, 20232 min read
#27. How To Get Ahead In Life
Here I am, sitting in front of my computer on a Sunday night. I am sad that the Cincinnati Bengals lost to the Kansas City Chiefs. I am...

Jan 27, 20233 min read
#26. The Best Gift To Give Your Children
Try to picture both of these scenarios from the child's perspective. Scenario 1: You grow up getting a lot of material things. You...

Jan 25, 20232 min read
#25. Update On Food Savings Plan (There Are Promising Signs)
It has been about a month since I have updated everyone on our food savings goal, but I have still been tracking it. As a reminder, Step...

Jan 23, 20233 min read
#24. Adulting Is Hard: One Tip To Save Big At The Grocery Store
Think back to when you were at the grocery store recently. Picture yourself in the canned food aisle. You plan to stock up on some...
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